Quotes of the Day

Tea Party supporters protest health care reform in March.
Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011

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After the tragic week in Arizona, President Obama returned to work Monday morning and was greeted with some good news: the raw feelings which have plagued his health care reform are subsiding.

An AP-GfK Poll has found that opposition to the reform has subsided to a mere 30%, down from 39% in March 2010, and 40% of those surveyed now support the law. AP-GfK have been running polls on health care reform since September 2009 and the results show that more Americans are embracing the law, albeit slowly. (More on TIME.com:

It's not all sunshine for Obama, though. Forty-one percent of Americans oppose the law altogether, while 43% want the law amended in some way. "Overall, it didn't go as far as I would have liked," said Joshua Smith, a sales consultant from Herndon, Va. "In a perfect world, I'd like to see them change it to make it more encompassing, but judging by how hard it was to get it passed, they had to take whatever they could get." (More on TIME.com:

Less surprising is that Republican opposition to the law remains high at 71%, compared with 35% of independents and 19% of Democrats. Ahead of a vote on repeal in the GOP-led House this week, "Obamacare" supporters will be happy to hear that America says OK — kind of.

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Photo: Robyn Beck / Getty Images