Quotes of the Day

Fat Talk Free Week, a national campaign to eliminate language that is damaging to young adults' body image, spreads across college campuses
Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2010

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According to a new survey, 25% of women think about food every half an hour, compared to the 10% of women who think about sex over the same time span.

These telling statistics come from a diet survey carried out by the slimming group Shape Smart, which devises a personal health plan based on what they calculate as your "EATERtype." Shape Smart interviewed some 5000 men and women and have revealed different attitudes towards sex and food which draws an unhappy picture for many women and their struggle with body issues.

Some more statistics from the survey are:
— 60% of women in relationships are not happy eating in front of their partner
—50% of women in relationships are shy undressing in front of their partner
—40% of women feel as though they are constantly dieting
—13% of women choose low-calorie meals instead of what they would actually like when eating out

Nutritionist and behavior therapist Mary Strugar believes that these results may be the kick in the right direction that some people need to help them to control demoralizing eating habits and reconcile body issues. "You need to be realistic about your personal diet weaknesses," she said.

Unfortunately it seems for many women that the food vs. sex battle is not a clash of pleasures — but rather a conflict of fears. (via Daily Mail)

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