Quotes of the Day

March 16. Cover image
Wednesday, Mar. 25, 2009

Open quote

Re the cover story "On the Trail of Terror," it was nothing short of a romantic attempt to legitimise terrorism [March 16]. No religion preaches the killing of innocent human beings. Every man has the right to choose, and they have chosen to kill. It is immaterial whether they are born in poverty or privilege. A cover story on the extraordinary acts of heroism by ordinary Mumbaikers in the face of this act of cowardice by these terrorists would have been more appropriate.
Ajay Swaminathan MD, CREWE, ENGLAND

One of the most interesting points in your story about the Mumbai terrorist was what wasn't there: mention of Israel or Palestine. Many people theorize that all the world's troubles with Islamic fundamentalism are due to the Israeli-Arab conflict. Your article puts that theory to rest — Islamic terror is a cultural and religious predicament and not a territorial problem. Pressuring Israel to relinquish parts of its historical homeland will not solve the world's problems.
Jonathan Patinkin, BETHEL, ISRAEL

America the Underinsured
Karen Tumulty's story "The Health Care Crisis Hits Home" was a poignant look at one person's struggle to get the health care he needs [March 16]. Even more tragic, this story is repeated too many times each year in this country. As illustrated in your piece, physicians often provide care without charge when patients are in need, but we need a system that does a much better job of supporting patients and physicians. Your reform points are key. A full 75% of total health-care spending is linked to chronic health problems, many of which are preventable. If we can help Americans live healthier, we can reduce disease and decrease health-care spending. The American Medical Association is committed to reform that covers everyone with a choice of portable insurance, increases the value our nation receives from its health-care spending and enhances prevention and wellness. We need a better system for America's patients and the physicians who care for them.
Nancy H. Nielsen, M.D., President, American Medical Association, WASHINGTON

As taxpayers, we fund the health care of our elected officials. Maybe it is time to strip the coverage of those officials who kowtow to lobbies and show no interest in mending this situation.
David Walker, DARTMOUTH, MASS., U.S.

Ironically, if Patrick Tumulty had decided to retaliate against his insurance company's executives with physical violence, he would now be in our penal system — with full health-care benefits.
Richard Clark III, ADELL, WIS., U.S.

Remember the Dispossessed
In his article "A Forgotten People" Andrew Lee Butters writes, "Like many Palestinians forced from their homes after Israel's birth, Sulhani still has his old house keys...'' [March 9]. Likewise, there are many Jews who were forced from their homes in the Arab countries who rejected the Jewish state and the two-state solution, and declared war on Israel. Many of those Jewish refugees still have keys and old, faded pictures of the homes to which they cannot return. However, the Jewish refugees from Arab lands who fled to Israel were absorbed and housed, and not kept in refugee camps. Sadly, the unfortunate Palestinians' numbers have now ballooned from thousands to millions. All refugees have rights. The Jewish refugees from Arab lands are the forgotten refugees who were never compensated, either for their financial loss or the trauma that they suffered.

Andrew Lee Butters' article on the fate of the Palestinians driven out of their homeland in 1948 is a story that needs to be told. I have just read Ilan Pappé's book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, and I believe it is time for Israel to face up to this atrocity and cease labeling as "anti-Semitic" anyone who dares to draw attention to it.
Jim Kearns, LONDON

Pointing the Finger
Re "The Scariest Places," Joe Klein succinctly presents the dilemma facing President Obama and his advisers regarding Afghanistan and Pakistan [March 16]. My suggestion is simply put the blame on Israel, then we can all go home.

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  • America the Underinsured; Remember the Dispossessed; Pointing the Finger
| Source: America the Underinsured; Remember the Dispossessed; Pointing the Finger