Quotes of the Day

bedrooms of the future
Thursday, Feb. 28, 2008

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Fans of space-age cartoon futurama will be in seventh heaven when they step through the door of Samsung's Raemian Gallery Housing Experience Hall, in Seoul's Gangnam district, and enter a model apartment of the future.

This visionary pad is kitted out with experimental home technology. Apartment dwellers have the option of changing the entire mood and color of a bedroom or living room in mere seconds, just by tapping a touchscreen panel. Other nifty features include an intelligent refrigerator that lets you know if the milk has expired, and a table fitted with electronic displays that serves as the household nerve center — setting out everything from the daily schedules of each family member to a choice of digital games. A single remote links all the household appliances and naturally the front door is operated by a face-recognition system so Mr. and Mrs. Kim need never worry about losing their keys.

Our favorite gizmo is the attention-grabbing "music bench" in the outdoor common area, which utilizes chip technology to belt out the residents' favorite tunes as soon as they take a seat. Alas, neither it nor any other items are for sale. To reserve your visit, call (82-2) 2226 3304.

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  • Jennifer Veale
Photo: Samsung Raemian Gallery | Source: Singing benches, smart refrigerators and walls that change color at the touch of a button: Samsung presents the house of the future