Quotes of the Day

Thursday, Dec. 06, 2007

Open quote

Leadership vs. Loyalty
What a brilliant piece Michael Duffy wrote on Rudolph Giuliani and his loyalty to Bernard Kerik [Nov. 26]. Duffy's snapshot provided one of the most concise and intriguing portraits of a political animal that I have ever read. He truly captured Giuliani through the prism of his relationship with Kerik, possibly his closest ally. And the statement made by an operative from a rival campaign on Rudy's pitch — "I'm not a nice guy. But the people you fear, fear me" — was so articulate a description it gave me pause.
Carl A. Hulbert,
Bellingham, Wash., U.S.

Duffy gave a thumbnail sketch of Kerik's unpleasant youth and more recent adventures and skewed them into vague and shadowy misadventures, thus trivializing the man's merits and suggesting that what he ultimately did for his city and country was insignificant and self-serving. Recounting Kerik's rites of passage and twisting them into meat for conspiracy theories is petty and niggling. The intent to mask the story as a critical essay on loyalty — well, it just didn't make the stretch. Continuing to rip Kerik through Giuliani and Giuliani through Kerik is a trite and wearisome pastime, isn't it?
Chris McLoughlin,

So the moralizing Pat Robertson has endorsed moral family man Rudolph Giuliani. It's a match made in heaven. Giuliani's supposed family values are questionable, not just because of his three marriages, and not just because second wife Donna Hanover only learned she was being dumped from a televised press conference Rudy was giving. While Hanover and their kids were still living at Gracie Mansion, he asked Judith Nathan, his mistress at the time, to move in with them. A judge finally had to intervene and bar Nathan from the place. Despite the indecent manner in which Giuliani treated his family, the professional moralists in the Republican Party — like Robertson — will vote for him.
Arlene Philomena,
New York City

Bolton's Strategy
I was dumbstruck by the incongruity of former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton's replies to readers' questions [Nov. 26]. Since he has been our emissary to the world, I would expect him to be an intelligent and capable man. But his comments were like those of an actor promoting his new movie (of course, he's promoting his new book). It is inconceivable that a diplomat would believe the simplistic and readily disprovable worldviews he expressed. On the other hand, such opinions will sell books, presumably to Bolton's financial and political gain. My spirits are raised only by the possibility that peacemakers may one day receive their due rewards.
Michael Bush,
Port Orange, Fla., U.S.

Bolton said if the U.S. were ever to use military force against Iran, the nation would "need to make it clear to the people of Iran that this is not aimed against them." Does he suggest sending that message before Iranian people are maimed and killed — or after?
Neil McKenty,

The Bhutto Deal Goes Bust
In shutting down private TV channels and detaining opposition political leaders and protesting lawyers, the dictatorial President Pervez Musharraf has purged the basic human rights of a civilized society [Nov. 26]. His bloodless coup that overthrew Nawaz Sharif's government in 1999 was welcomed by many citizens, but now the general has lost support. There is dissatisfaction among the masses because of Musharraf's actions, especially his ouster of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. In desperately trying to hold on to power, Musharraf is making a joke of democracy. Democracy is not about installing a puppet parliament by forming an alliance with a popular political party; it has to do with having sound institutions and freedom of expression. Musharraf has set Pakistan back many years and undone the past eight years of his rule. Sadly, he was the one who claimed he was liberating Pakistan from the shackles of backwardness.
Syed Arif Rehman,

You pointed out that since Pakistan is a key ally in the fight against terrorism, the Bush Administration deems the regime worthy of continued funding despite Musharraf's unconstitutional actions. This reminds me of how the U.S. backed South American dictators in the name of preventing the spread of communism. Allowing democracy to be so egregiously revoked does not bode well for U.S. policies in the region, and it is only a matter of time before this current ally withers from lack of popular support. Defeating communism required the cooperation of governments; defeating terrorism will require the cooperation of people.
Jitesh Laxman,

Twice elected and twice disgraced, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto returned from self-imposed exile and was in cahoots with Musharraf in hopes of again becoming Prime Minister. Musharraf even agreed to drop corruption charges against her. But the plan has backfired, and Bhutto is now deriding Musharraf and proclaiming slogans of democracy. The opportunistic Benazir Bhutto doesn't care one hoot about Pakistan. She is only hungry for power.
Lochan Bakshi,
Edmonton, Canada

The Holiday Rush
Thank you so much for Nancy Gibbs' essay about how bunching up the holidays for financial gain robs them of significance [Nov. 19]. I thought I was the only one who noticed the Christmas items unashamedly displayed in stores at the beginning of November. Christmas is a time for sharing and giving. Tricking consumers into spending is not necessary.
Merline Jacques,
New York City

Dynamic Duo
I like the Clintons [Nov. 19]. Why not a female President this time? I was in the U.S. when Bill Clinton was elected President. Now, if Hillary Clinton is elected, I hope she will pursue the health-care program her husband was involved with. Thousands are destitute in the land of plenty, and this should no longer be tolerated if the U.S. is determined to be an exemplary society for the rest of the world. As a pragmatic liberal, Clinton can get the U.S. on the right track, as certainly as it has become derailed under President George W. Bush. She is the right woman and the visionary leader the U.S. needs today.
Dan Chellumben,
Amboise, France

I have been following the U.S. presidential campaign with great interest. Would it not be apt to refer to Hillary and Bill's efforts as the "Hillbilly" campaign?
Rihann Koekemoer,

And the Best Invention Is ... ?
In naming the iphone the Best Invention of 2007, you forgot about Windows-based PDA phones [Nov. 19]. Touch interface? Big deal. As you noted, it's been done before. A miniaturized operating system? Done. Windows-based phones are everything the iPhone is and more. The phones can text, mms, email (through pop, imap and Exchange), surf the real Web at broadband speed on evdo networks and open, edit and save documents. The iPhone is for kids. Windows Mobile pda phones are for adults who need to do real work.
Eagle Bear Morgan,

What a brilliant piece of writing from Lev Grossman. I don't yet own an iPhone, but I plan to in the near future. Like Grossman, I'm sick of the sour grapes from naysayers who moan about what the iPhone doesn't do and ignore what it does do and just how well it does it. I hate my conventional cell phone with its 100-page, four-language manual that I can't begin to understand. I've used the iPhone without having to look at the manual. And the only language required is intuition.
Brad Cathey
Wheaton, Ill., U.S.

Let me get this straight: TIME passed up inventions that save energy, produce energy, make us safer, make our commutes easier, protect us from diseases, reduce our impact on our finite resources and bring knowledge to the Third World to name a cool new cell phone as Invention of the Year?
Steve Jordan,
Germantown, Md., U.S.Close quote