Quotes of the Day

Friday, Jan. 05, 2007

Open quoteIraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki clearly knows little patience is left for him and his government as the situation in Iraq worsens. In a nationwide speech Saturday, Maliki appealed for more time, vowing yet again to curb violence in Baghdad, where he said Iraqi troops would lead a new assault against insurgents and militias, with U.S. help as needed. Hang on just a little longer, Maliki seemed to say. This time we really mean it.

"The Baghdad security plan will not offer a safe shelter for outlaws regardless of their ethnic and political affiliations, and we will punish anyone who hesitates to implement orders because of his ethnic and political background," Maliki said during an address in Baghdad marking the 85th anniversary celebration of the Iraqi army. "We are full aware that implementing the plan will lead to some harassment to all of beloved Baghdad's residents, but we are confident that they fully understand the brutal terrorist attacks Iraq faces."

Baghdad isn't the only place where patience for Maliki is wearing thin. While in public President Bush has always expressed support for him, the White House has begun to signal its unease. Even Bush joined the chorus of voices condemning the way Maliki's government handled the execution of Saddam Hussein. And disagreements over strategy are becoming more apparent. For example, Maliki had pressed Bush to move U.S. troops from central Baghdad to the edge of the city, leaving the volatile downtown area in the hands of Iraq security forces. Instead, the White House's emerging strategy has most of a U.S. troops surge headed into downtown Baghdad.

The big card Maliki always held was his alliance with the political bloc led by Moqtada al-Sadr, the head of the Shi'a Mahdi militia. This includes 30 parliamentarians and six cabinet members. Maliki was seen as one person who might be able to exercise some sway over Sadr and his lawless sectarian army. But it became clear that influence flowed only one way between Sadr and Maliki in October, when U.S. forces seized Sadr aide Sheik Mazin al-Saedi, a suspected organizer of kidnapping rings and death squads. Maliki immediately called for Saedi's release, and the U.S. military complied. Killings were on the rise, and Maliki was working to help the leading murderers; Sadr's Mahdi Army dropped virtually all pretenses of restraint after the February bombing of a Shi'ite shrine in Samarra and went on the attack.

Maliki can only hope the White House grants him more time. Yet many in Iraq are hoping U.S. patience is at an end. It's difficult to find anyone here outside Maliki's circle of supporters who thinks his government has a role to play in any strategy that might help Iraq at this point. "I see the political situation in Iraq as a deadlock," says Wamydh Nadhmi, a professor of political science at Baghdad University. "I still believe in the future of Iraq - if Mr. Bush brings us radical change."

Maliki himself appears worn down. The expressionless look on his face is almost always the same when he appears in public. His eyes droop heavily behind glasses, and his jowly chin usually carries the shadow of a beard - making him look as though he just stepped off an overnight plane flight. The former exile's homely anonymity seemed to bring a measure of comfort to watchers of Iraqi politics when he emerged as a compromise pick for prime minister in April. Few had heard of Maliki, and fewer still knew much of anything about him. Maliki was a political figure with no baggage and a faint profile, two traits widely viewed as assets. But for many Iraqis the blank space on Maliki's face has filled in since then with reflections of the country's deepest problems. To look at Maliki now is to see streets shattered by car bombs, parading militia fighters and masked hangmen making basement snuff videos.

Maliki's inaction against Sadr and his forces is only one of a long list of things he failed to do as he sat in the Green Zone. As violence worsened, electricity grew scarcer. Water supplies remained tight. Schools stayed shut. Oil revenues didn't materialize. With so many in Iraq wanting for so much, Maliki quickly became a sort of un-prime minister as people struggled to see any signs of meaningful accomplishments by his administration.

"This government is not suitable for Iraq any more," says Salleh al-Muttlag, an Iraqi parliament member. "It should end as soon as possible." The leader of a Sunni opposition bloc, Muttlag has never been high on Maliki. But his call for Maliki's resignation, one of many now rising in the wake of Saddam Hussein's execution , goes beyond demands for new leadership in the prime minister's office. Muttlag says the entire U.S.-backed political structure in Iraq, parliament included, should be torn down and rebuilt. "Reconciliation will never happen under the Maliki government or a similar government," says Muttlag. "We're now looking for another solution." Such feelings are becoming more widespread in Iraq as the country waits for the White House to announce its new strategy. An increase in U.S. troops appears imminent, but many view even a successful military push to secure Baghdad and other areas of Iraq as only half a solution at best.

During the prime minister's short time in office, the state institutions the Bush administration worked so assiduously to build with Iraqis have broken down almost entirely. The Iraqi Army, a force the U.S. hoped would hold Iraq together as the country's nascent civilian government developed, is years away from the ability to do so. Whether the army is making progress toward that end, or splintering into sectarian factions, is unclear to many U.S. soldiers tasked with training Iraqi forces on most days now. Certain units think nothing of simply ignoring deployment orders issued by the prime minister.

Meanwhile, some civilian Iraqi government agencies such as the Ministry of Interior have become franchises of the Mahdi Army militia. And Iraq's parliament was essentially dissolved in November, when Sadr's loyalists began a boycott at his behest in protest of Maliki's meeting with President Bush. As the White House crafts its new approach to Iraq, little of the government appears salvageable even in the eyes of leaders like Muttlag who are staking their careers, and sometimes their lives, on the eventual success of a civilian government. With so little material left to work with in Baghdad, many in Iraq are looking to Washingto n for a bold political stroke that would sweep the sitting government from power as more U.S. troops roll in. Close quote

  • Mark Kukis/Baghdad
  • The prime minister makes a new call to curb violence, but Iraqis' patience with him and his government is wearing thin
Photo: ALI AL-SAADI / AFP / Getty