Quotes of the Day

Friday, Sep. 15, 2006

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Pope Benedict XVI's controversial comments about Islam have already ignited a firestorm of criticism in the Muslim world, but it may end up costing the Vatican more than just its reputation. A top Catholic Church official inside Turkey says the polemics following Benedict XVI's comments about Islam may cause the cancellation of his November visit to the majority Muslim country, which is nevertheless governed on secular principles.

"At this point, I don't know if the trip will happen," Mons. Luigi Padovese, the Vicar Apostolic in Anatolia, the Church's representative for what amounts to the eastern half of Turkey, told TIME. "There are leading politicians, members of the ruling parties, a top minister and others who have expressed a negative opinion on the visit." Padovese blamed the outcry on voices in the Turkish press whom he described as "nationalist, Islamist and anti-Christian," and said the Pope's intention was not to offend anyone. "I don't know if anyone even read the Pope's discourse," Padovese said. "These elements tossed out the bait, and others took it."

• How the Pope's PR Machinery Broke Down
If it was so easy to foresee that Benedict's remarks about Islam would set off a furor, why didn't the Vatican anticipate it?

• Does Islam Flout Reason? Why the Pope's Case Is a Flimsy One
Viewpoint: The issue is important, but Benedict has presented neither the evidence nor insight to make his argument stick

• The Pontiff Has a Point
His take on Islam, however clumsy, raises tough truths about reason and religion

• The First Casualty of the Pope's Islam Speech
Leaders across the Muslim world are furious over Benedict's provocative comments, and now his first trip to a Muslim country, soon planned for Turkey, may be in jeopardy as a resultn

• Benedict and Islam
Written by TIME blogger Andrew Sullivan

• A Forced Argument on Forced Conversions
Viewpoint: Kidnapped journalists converting at gunpoint. The Pope quoting a 14th century Byzantine emperor. The sudden focus on forced conversions to Islam reflects a fundamental misreading of that religion's history

• Excerpts from Pope Benedict XVI's Speech
Given at the University of Regensburg on Sept. 12, 2006

• Behind Benedict's Vatican Overhaul
Though eyes are on his trip home, the Pope is (gradually) launching big changes back in the Roman Curia

The sharpest rebuke inside Turkey came from Salih Kapusuz, the deputy leader of the ruling Justice and Development, or AK Party, who said that Benedict would go down in history "in the same category as leaders such as [Benito] Mussolini and [Adolf] Hitler." He told the state-owned Anatolia news agency that Benedict's comments were a deliberate attempt to "revive the mentality of the Crusades: He has a dark mentality that comes from the darkness of the Middle Ages." He added that Benedict "is a poor thing that has not benefited from the spirit of reform in the Christian world..."

Asked if the Turkish authorities had made any specific requests of the Holy See, Padovese said that the only demands have come from the press. "There is a request that the Pope apologizes for what he said," says Padovese. "But I read into this request a kind of triumphalism — to see the Church and Christians and the Pope say out loud that they were wrong." Padovese spoke by phone from the parish in the Black Sea coastal city of Trebizond, where in February Father Andrea Santoro was killed by a young Muslim man in an apparently religiously motivated attack. Two other Catholic clergy members have been the victims of attacks in Turkey over the past several months. The Vatican said the Pope did not intend the remarks — which he made during a speech in Germany on Tuesday — to offend anyone. Benedict didn't explicitly endorse the statement, which recounted a conversation between 14th century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II and a Persian scholar on the truths of Christianity and Islam. "The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war," the Pope said. "He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'"

But heading into his triumphant visit this week to his native Bavaria, Pope Benedict XVI must have already had his subsequent trip somewhere in his thoughts. Just two months ahead of his first visit to a predominantly Muslim country, Benedict had decided to use a key speech at a German University to explore the differences between Islam and Christianity, and the risk of faith-based violence.

Whether or not the Pope imagined the furor his words would spark — and many would argue it wasn't hard to foresee — the Vatican's attempts at damage control may be a little too late. The speech has already elicited harsh denunciations from political and religious leaders from Pakistan and Iraq to Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories. In Turkey, the home of Pope John Paul II's would-be assassin Mehmet Ali Agca, the comments struck such a nerve that they managed to erase old distinctions between conservative Muslims, including leaders of the ruling Justice and Development party, and secular nationalists in the country. Several Turkish MPs have demanded an apology. The head of Turkey's government-run religious affairs directorate, Ali Bardakoglu, said that before visiting Turkey in November Benedict "should first of all replace the grudge in his heart with moral values and respect for the other."

Turkey's ruling party is considered pro-Islamic and clashes frequently with the country's so-called secularists, including those in the military. Under Turkish law, for example, it is still prohibited to wear a headscarf in universities, hospitals and other public buildings, and the Prime Minister has been forced to send his daughters to study in the U.S. to avoid the ban. The staunchly secular military has on three occasions ousted Islamic leaders on the grounds that they were mixing politics and faith. But even Turkey's secularists joined in the condemnation of Benedict's remarks: "The Pope has thrown gasoline onto the fire in a world where the risk of a religious clash is high," Kaluk Koc, deputy leader of the nationalist Republican People's Party said.

The final plans were being made for the papal trip to Turkey, where he is scheduled to meet with the country's top political and religious authorities. Benedict's initial motivation for the visit is to celebrate with Orthodox Christians the Feast of St. Andrew, on Nov. 30. in Istanbul, which some Christians still call Constantinople. Most expect that he would also speak about the tensions between the Islamic world and the West on the visit. Assuming the trip goes through, one wonders if there will be more careful attention to how his message may be interpreted by Muslims. Still, Padovese says the Pope can't be blamed for the reactions of others. "There was no intention to offend anyone's sensibilities — and certaintly not to provoke any kind of war of religion. The Pope did not offend Mohammed," said Padovese. "But there has to be a freedom of expression. Within a dialogue among religions, one must set the confines. Dialoguing doesn't mean renouncing your faith or your point of view. Because we're not talking about something like the [Danish] cartoons. In fact, the Pope said the West is wrong when it offends and denigrates that which is sacred to people." Still Padovese said that while he was listening to the Pope's speech live on television, he knew there would be an outcry from some corners in Turkey. "For the anti-Christian elements, he offered them a good occasion."

Even before the current outcry, Benedict was already unpopular in Turkey for previous comments casting doubt on Turkey's eligibility to join the European Union, as it is now trying to do. Euro-skepticism and nationalism has been growing in Turkey in recent months as a direct consequence of the increasing resistance in Europe to the idea of Turkey joining the club. Now Benedict has stirred those feelings anew, and as a result, he's become about as welcome in Turkey as Turkey is in Europe. Close quote

  • Leaders across the Muslim world are furious over Benedict's provocative comments, and now his first trip to a Muslim country, soon planned for Turkey, may be in jeopardy as a result