Quotes of the Day

Wednesday, Sep. 13, 2006

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• Chafee Gives the G.O.P. Many Reasons to Smile
The Rhode Island senator's key victory may signal that moderates aren't all dead and that incumbents aren't necessarily doomed

• "Anybody knows not to mess with me"
Nancy Pelosi leads the Democrats with a fiery style that could make her the first woman Speaker of the House

• Behind the Democrats' Money Worries
Despite their lead in the polls, congressional Democrats are concerned, and even feuding, about whether they will have enough cash to take back the House this fall

• Why Harold Ford Has a Shot
The G.O.P.'s weakness creates a chance in the Tennessee senate race for a certain kind of Democrat

• The Unmaking of a Senator: How Bloggers Pulled It Off
With Lieberman's primary loss, the netroots movement has established itself as a power center among Democrats. But will its influence haunt the party in November?

• Here Comes the New Wave of Barack Obamas
Harold Ford may be in one of the most closely watched electoral contests this year, but he's far from the only African-American candidate running in a major race...

• It's August? Let's Go to Iowa!
The Iowa State Fair annually draws turkey callers, cow-chip throwers and piemakers from across the Hawkeye State. This year's fair, which begins next week, is attracting a crowd of competitors from farther afield: possible White House contenders hunting for votes ahead...

• Why Joe Biden Isn't Being Coy About Running for President
While other candidates pretend to be weighing their options, the Delaware Senator views 2008 as his last shot - and he doesn't care who knows it

Republicans should be thrilled Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee won his primary Tuesday — and not just because he likely saved them a Senate seat. Certainly the most obvious implication from Chafee's victory in a very competitive primary against Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey is that the Republicans at least have a chance to hold on to one of the seats Democrats are trying to win this November. Chafee is running about even in the polls against the man he will face this fall, former Rhode Island attorney general Sheldon Whitehouse, but Laffey was so far behind that Republicans were ready to give up on the state if he had won the primary.

But there's another sign of good news in this race for the GOP. Laffey got more than a third of the money he raised in his campaign from a conservative, anti-tax group called the Club for Growth, which blasted Chafee for his liberal record and opposition to the Bush tax cuts. But Laffey ran less as the true conservative in the race and more as a populist, outsider candidate. In one of his ads, he declared “Washington is going in the wrong direction... and it's time for a change” and noted the high gas prices around the country in a spot that was very reminiscent of what Democratic congressional candidates are saying. If he had defeated Chafee, whose father held this Senate seat before he did, it would have been another sign that voters are in a very anti-incumbent mood, as polls have indicated, which would primarily hurt the G.O.P. as the party in power.

The Chafee win also guarantees an even tighter campaign in the fall, which won't help Democrats. Needing to win six seats to capture the Senate, Democrats were rooting for Laffey, which would have meant they could save and concentrate their campaign funds on key races in Tennessee, Virginia and Ohio. Now, Democrats will have to work aggressively and spend heavily to defeat Chafee, who has such a liberal record on issues like the environment that he’s almost assured of wooing some Democratic voters.

Perhaps most importantly, the Chafee victory shows that moderates, despite what many pundits are saying these days, aren't dead yet. When Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, a Democrat, and Michigan Representative Joe Schwarz, a Republican, were both defeated in primaries over the summer, there was much talk about how the center in American politics was failing, as both political parties were increasingly intolerant of moderates and activists came to wield more influence. This may still be true, as one of the key differences between Chafee's race and Lieberman’s is that independents could vote in the former's race. Independents in fact helped Chafee win on Tuesday and they're now helping Lieberman hold the lead in polls since he’s become an independent candidate.

Tuesday's other primary races provided a couple of other clear implications. First, Lieberman's loss last month didn't signal the death of the pro-war Democrat. In New York Hillary Clinton won overwhelmingly over her anti-war challenger, Jonathan Tasini, in a race that was never competitive. The anti-war left did little to oppose her in the race, suggesting Lieberman’s contest was a special case. Keith Ellison, who won in a crowded Democratic primary in a liberal district around the Twin Cities in Minnesota, is in position to become the first Muslim to be elected to the Congress.

And Barack Obama is now very likely to remain the Senate's only black member. Kwesi Mfume, the former head of the NAACP, lost a primary against House Democrat Ben Cardin for the Senate seat in Maryland. Cardin will now face Michael Steele, the African-American Republican who is the state's lieutenant governor. Polls showed that Steele had some chance of winning against Mfume, whose support was small outside of his base of black Democrats. But that limited base cost him against Cardin, and the veteran congressman is a heavy favorite in a Democratic state like Maryland. The other African-American Senate candidate is Harold Ford in Tennessee, a conservative state that hasn't elected a Democrat since Al Gore represented it. And Ford, facing a millionaire opponent named Bob Corker, couldn't have been happy seeing Chafee win; now the Democrats will have to spend money that could have gone to Ford's campaign trying to give Chafee the knockout blow that Laffey couldn’t deliver.Close quote

  • The Rhode Island senator's key victory may signal that moderates aren't all dead and that incumbents aren't necessarily doomed