Quotes of the Day

Monday, Feb. 20, 2006

Open quoteYou've heard of the South Beach (Florida) diet. Now get ready for the latest plans from California's Sonoma County and New York City's Park Avenue. Based on the particular tastes of each locale, these new regimens aim to make dieting more palatable by mixing snob appeal with an occasional glass of Pinot. Here's a look at the "destination diets" and a few other weight-loss books worth sampling.

Wild West: The Sonoma Diet
No calorie counting. No points. No weighing. No measuring. No obsessing about low-carb or low-fat foods. Just small portions of sun-drenched, California-style cuisine, accompanied by red or white wine. Think gourmet, not gourmand.
BUZZWORDS: Waves; Power Foods; Mediterranean Diet

East-Side Story: How The Rich Stay Thin
Wealth, privilege and ease equal weight loss. But forget about liposuction and plastic surgery. This hardy regimen stresses daily aerobic exercise, high-quality protein, calcium and the prohibition of all processed foods. Eat less but eat well.
BUZZWORDS: Ladies Who Lunch; the Stop! Watch! Method of Exercise

Repeat After Me: The Flavor Point Diet
Monotony is magical. A Yale nutritionist says too many flavors stimulate our appetite-control cells. Soothe your brain with flavor repetition, and you'll feel full with fewer calories. Think cranberry sauce and cranberry ice cream.
BUZZWORDS: Pineapple Day; Onion Day

Grains of Wisdom: The Rice Diet Solution
Rice is low fat, low sodium and low just about everything except fiber and calories. But what other diet dares to promise a 10-to-15-kg weight loss per month? Let's hope the rice shipment is not on a slow boat from China.
BUZZWORDS: Ricers; Dieta; Mindfulness; Detox

Everyman Meals: The Supermarket Diet
This plan offers up real food for real people. Here, home cooking is your best friend, and fast food is the devil. Attention, shoppers: cruising the right grocery aisle is the not-so-secret weapon. Steer toward the produce and away from sugary treats.
BUZZWORDS: Boot Camp; Pedometer Power

Split Screen: The QOD Diet
QOD is medical jargon for "every other day," and it's the basis of this meal plan. To enjoy its spiritual and mental benefits, you will alternate a day of fasting on just 400 calories with another day of chowing down. But no bingeing allowed and only one dessert.
BUZZWORDS: On Days; Off Days; Mini-Meals

For Love Bloat: The Love Diet
Who needs a gym when the boudoir is so close? This book's recipes are not for food but for aphrodisiacs. Try the Venus Avocado or the Ginseng Salmon. Count your pleasures rather than your carbs.
BUZZWORDS: Quickies; Well-Balanced Bedroom; the Kama Sutra Close quote

  • Andrea Sachs
  • The latest contenders for the fad diet crown
| Source: The latest contenders for the fad diet crown