A Worldwide Day's Worth of Food
New York, USA, The Model / Student
Name: Mariel Booth
Age: 23; Height: 5' 9.5"; Weight: 135 pounds
Caloric value of food this day: 2400 calories
BREAKFAST: Fruit salad of strawberries, blueberries, peach, and melon from Ruby's Diner, NYC, with low-fat yogurt, 9.3 oz. Blue Diamond Almond Breeze almond milk, 8.6 fl. oz., mixed with Whole Foods soy protein powder, vanilla, 2 tbsp. Soy latte, 16 fl. oz.
LUNCH: Dean & Deluca brown rice vegetarian sushi, 7 oz., with soy sauce, 1 tsp., and wasabi, 0.3 tsp. Kombucha Wonder Drink fermented tea, 8.5 fl. oz. Zico coconut water, 11.2 fl. oz.
DINNER: Tuna salad: Bumble Bee tuna, packed in water, 4.6 oz., corn, 4.4 oz., avocado, 3.3 oz., mixed greens, 2.2 oz., cucumber, 1.9 oz., kidney beans, 1.9 oz., tomato, 1.1 oz., with lemon juice and olive oil dressing, 1 tbsp. Progresso Vegetable Classics soup, minestrone, 13.1 oz. Multigrain
roll, 2.7 oz. White wine, 6.2 fl. oz.
SNACKS AND OTHER: 365 Everyday Value pita chips, 1.9 oz. Tofutti Cuties dairy-free ice cream sandwich, vanilla, 1.6 oz. Yogi Tea and Numi caffeine free teas (4), 1.3 qt., with honey (not in picture), 2 oz. Fiji bottled water, 3.2 qt.
At the time of her food portrait Mariel Booth says she felt good about her weight and her health, but lamented that because she was the perfect weight for her size four body, and not skinnier, she was making much less money.