Phonies! Movies Inspired by J.D. Salinger

top 10 J. D. Salinger movies
Columbia / Everett

Finding Forrester, 2000
This fish-out-of-water tale of a gifted inner city kid at odds with his posh private school teachers carries schmaltzy, less wrathful overtones of The Catcher in the Rye even without William Forrester — the prickly, reclusive writer who mentors the main character. Sure, there are some differences between Sean Connery's Forrester and Salinger, the most famous hermit in American letters. Forrester lives in a Bronx tenement, while Salinger hid away on a farm in Cornish, N.H. Salinger didn't have a Scottish accent, that we know of. And he definitely never said, "You're the man now, dog."

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