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Cinema: Call This The Why Files

3 minute read
Richard Corliss

From the beginning, the show was swathed in conspiracy; it begged to be suspected of as much far-fetched chicanery as it imputed to all those Trilateral geezers who look like Clark Clifford. Take our hero, Fox Mulder–his first name is the same as the network that owns the show. Mulder’s FBI boss, the skinheaded Skinner, is a dead ringer for former Fox chief Barry Diller. And just what is the name of the show? The X Files, as the logo clearly states? Or The X-Files, as the publicity indicates?

So you can imagine the anxious speculation when Chris Carter’s terrific series, which has turned the paranormal and paranoidal into Sunday-night morality plays, becomes a theatrical movie. Will the canonical secrets (about, say, Mulder’s lost sister Samantha, purportedly abducted by aliens when she was nine) be explained? Will the show’s dense mythology, replayed in the feature film, confound those ignorant of the backstory? Will the film disappoint the X-philes, the most demanding fans around?

In three words: no, yes, maybe. The X-Files, directed by series veteran Rob Bowman, looks damned handsome under the big-screen magnifying glass, with a rapturous clarity of golden and dark hues replacing the enveloping murk of the series. The two stars smartly fill their close-ups: David Duchovny (Mulder) adds a bit of cowboy swagger to his Prince of Dweebs intensity, while Gillian Anderson (as Mulder’s skeptical partner Scully) radiates a ’40s-style pensiveness that alchemizes glum into glam. The characters’ devotion to each other–a caring that stops tantalizingly short of sexuality–constitutes one of the great unconsummated marriages in popular fiction. And their wondrous solemnity is a tonic in this age of facetiousness.

The movie has enough plot (by Carter and Frank Spotnitz) to stock a half-season of shows. Let’s see…a virus from aliens has been harvested and is about to be spread, by bees and corn oil, across the world–“a plague to end all plagues,” whispers kook-savant Dr. Alvin Kurtzweil (Martin Landau), who spends most of his time hiding in a fetid back alley hoping Mulder will show up. The aliens, you see, were earth’s original inhabitants, and they are being tracked by that all-round evilest of government conspiracies, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency). We feel ourselves sliding deeper into Art Bell territory–into the all-night radioland of sci-fi-cobabble. Believe who will. Follow who can.

If the movie declines to enthrall, it is because its creators forgot what makes the show shine. An hour of dense thoughtfulness and outrageous gamesmanship, it often steps ahead of its canniest viewers, never afraid to mystify or end with a shivery question mark. Skull and Mull–braininess and wondering.

But Carter has turned this complex talk show into an action movie, with lots of running and falling and hauling, from North Texas to the Antarctic. It’s as if the cleverest grind in class were told he had to retake P.E. before he could graduate. And that’s too bad–enough to turn an X-phile into an ex-phile.

–By Richard Corliss

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