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Time Magazine Contents Page

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DEFENSE: Les Is No More 22

Aspin’s exit will not solve all of Clinton’s military problems

Returning Hero: Bobby Inman, the reluctant successor

THE SENATE: “Dear Diary . . . Delete That” 26

Did Packwood tamper with his memoirs?

SCANDALS: Radioactive Secrets 26

How the U.S. used its citizens as guinea pigs

CRIME: Do You Know Where Your Children Are? 31

Kidnap-murders raise alarms. But what can be done?

RUSSIA: No Reason for Cheer 34

A strong showing by a neofascist party sets off alarm bells

Hail the Demagogue: The wisdom of Vladimir Zhirinovsky 36

IMAGES ’93: Pictures of the Year 38

The world aswirl in the elements — fire, flood, blood and love

COVER: Angels Among Us 56

They are no longer seasonal visitors. In a grass-roots revolution of the spirit, all sorts of people are finding all sorts of reasons to seek answers about angels for the first time in their lives.

Sympathy for the Devil: Lest it be forgotten, Satan was once an angel, the most exalted one of all

SCIENCE: Genetic Guideposts 66

Researchers unveil the first rough map of human heredity

Heart Attacks: Why does alcohol seem to prevent them?

INVESTIGATION: Michael Jackson Faces the Music 67

The singer returns amid accusations of child molestation


Cinema: You thought Schindler’s List was depressing? Here come three holiday movies on Vietnam, Ireland and AIDS 70

Art: Lucian Freud, the best realist painter alive 74

Books: 1993 was a vintage year for writing about wine 77

Examining Jean Genet, petty thief and major writer 81

A young feminist counsels women to unite and prevail 82

Press: Holocaust revisionists target the campus 83



Cover: Angel by Abbott Handerson Thayer, 1889, from the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C./Art Resource, N.Y.

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