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Time Magazine Contents Page

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CALIFORNIA: Tempests of Flame 28

The Santa Ana winds turn six counties into virtual war zones

HEALTH CARE: And Now It’s Time for the Bill 36

Congress girds for battle over the Clintons’ epic plan

THE ECONOMY: What About the Deficit? 39

Clinton’s plans to cut it may not solve the long-term crisis

CONGRESS: Oh, Dear Diary! 41

A Senator’s memoirs raise questions of propriety and privacy

LAW: Who’s Informing on Whom? 42

Secret tapes may complicate the Trade Center bombing trial

HAITI: The Plot Against Aristide 44

Shadowy figures may have foiled his return — forever

PUERTO RICO: Estado Unido? 47

The island votes on whether to seek admission to the Union

CANADA: Landslide for the Liberals 53

“Yesterday’s man” becomes the leader of the future

NORTHERN IRELAND: The Troubles Go Deeper 54

A new wave of killings spoils a peace initiative

DIPLOMACY: A Slow, Dangerous Dance 55

The U.S. and North Korea talk about nuclear arms

INVESTMENT: The Risky Allure of Mutual Funds 58

With so much money flooding in, fears are also rising

FINANCE: Watch Out for IPO Mania 62

Initial stock offerings are all the rage, but buyers beware

BUSINESS: A Builder, Not a Slasher 63

George Fisher plans to grow Kodak back to health

COVER: To Clone or Not to Clone? 64

After an experiment in which two U.S. researchers made carbon copies of human embryos, the whole world debated whether science had finally stepped over the line.

Agribusiness: They clone cows, don’t they? 68

Science Fiction: Cloning classics 70

MEDICINE: How AIDS Attacks Cells 71

Researchers in France report an advance, but skeptics abound

PROFILE: Boxing’s Mr. Clean 72

% Riddick Bowe is a champion for the puritanical 1990s


Television: Behind the scenes at Seinfeld 78

Art: Roy Lichtenstein is already a historical pop figure 83

Cinema: Anthony Hopkins triumphs in Remains of the Day 87

What went on in Clinton’s campaign War Room 88

Theater: After a hit with Lughnasa, Brian Friel flops 89

Books: Patrick O’Brian sets sail toward fame 90



Cover: Computer-altered detail of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam from Art Resource, New York

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