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Time Magazine Contents Page

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PRESS: Hold on to your hat, Hedda — gossip is back and bigger than ever

Ivana’s holding summit meetings with Liz Smith, Donald’s in conference with Cindy Adams, and celebrity scuttlebutt is absolutely trumps with all the media. Is this harmless airhead fun or a fatal distraction from serious news?


NATION: Czechoslovakia’s President brings down the House — and Senate — with a stirring speech

Despite protests, Washington hangs tough in the Pacific. — Rather than release felons from his overcrowded jail, Sheriff Michael Ashe takes over a Massachusetts armory. — A novel way to put more cops on the beat.


WORLD: With communism fading in the East bloc, Castro faces his toughest challenge as he clings to his socialist vision

Cuba’s growing alienation from the rest of the communist world threatens an end to the aid and favorable trade arrangements that have kept its lame economy hobbling along. — Across Asia, Africa and the Middle East, other regimes also confront a money squeeze as Soviet funds dry up. — With his brazen assertiveness and failure to endorse current borders, West Germany’s Chancellor is creating unease over unification.


INTERVIEW: A Russian spy tells his secrets

Oleg Gordievsky, a former KGB London station chief and British double agent, reveals that the KGB helped Gorbachev to power and wants to keep him there.


BUSINESS: Kenneth Feld is the king of the big top

His touring circuses and ice shows were seen by 40 million people around the world last year. — Can Iacocca stage another comeback? — Cigarette makers under fire.


TRAVEL: In Rio at Carnival, crime and tourism peak ^

The sidewalks and beaches of the Brazilian city are usually plump with thieves’ prey at festival time. But grim and mounting homicides and robberies are making it hard to sell fun in the sun.


ETHICS: Creating a child in hopes of saving another

A California couple’s decision to conceive a baby in order to provide a transplant donor for an ailing older daughter promises both controversy and blessings.


RELIGION: Heresy from the TV preachers?

As if arrogance, avarice, sleaze, fraud and carnal sin were not enough for the industry, various televangelists are being charged with sloppy doctrine by fellow Bible Belters.


CINEMA: A suspenseful Hunt for Red October

The adaptation of the best-selling submarine saga nicely balances human menace with technical gee wizardry. — Do U.S. and Soviet subs really play such games? Yes, and then some.

6 Letters

9 American Scene

53 Video

53 Theater

59 Science

59 Health

67 Books

69 Music

69 Milestones

72 Essay

Cover: Illustration by Seymour Chwast

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