• U.S.

Medicine: Healthy Businessmen

1 minute read

Businessmen are healthier on the whole than professional men, artisans or farmers, surprisingly announced the Milbank Memorial Fund (endowed foundation to do charitable, humanitarian work) last week after studying health reports of 100,000 U. S. men. But professional men correct their defects, especially of eyes and teeth, better than do the other groups. Hardest of hearing are the younger professional men. The older professionals rate well among oldsters. Nervousness troubles 8% of professionals, 4.5% of farmers. Farmers are freest from defects of tonsils, nose and throat, and from chronic skin diseases. Heart disease occurs more among businessmen than among the others. The pulses most often appear rapid or irregular. More businessmen than farmers use patent medicines. But artisans doctor themselves most of all.

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