• U.S.

People, Jan. 11, 1937

3 minute read

“Names make trews.” Last week these names made this news:

In Council of State King Gustaf of Sweden decorated Cinemactress Greta Garbo with the nation’s gold medal litteris et artibus, highest Swedish award for artistic achievement.

Upon leaving a pre-Christmas party given by Attorney General & Mrs. Homer Stille Cummings, Mrs. Campbell Prichett got the wrong wrap. Few days later Attorney General Cummings dispatched a G-Man to call on more than 200 of his other guests, get Mrs. Prichett’s own wrap back. The G-Man failed.

Ailing for several weeks, Caroline Starr Balestier Kipling entered London’s Middlesex Hospital where her late husband, Author Rudyard Kipling, died last year.

New Zealand surgeons performed at Wellington an abdominal operation on globe-girdling Flyer Harold Gatty, now prospecting the weekly Pan American Airways service between California, Honolulu, Pago Pago, New Zealand.

Grateful for a succulent holiday gift which was inexplicably left at his Manhattan apartment, onetime Publisher Ralph Pulitzer of the old New York World inserted an advertisement in the New York Times: “PULITZERS want to thank unknown benefactor for six anonymous ducks.”

Famed British Biochemist John Burdon Sanderson Haldane, who says he had the

time of his life shooting Germans in the

War, got sick on chlorine gas in Madrid while testing homemade gas masks for the Spanish Loyalist Government.

Wearing her $300,000, 44½-carat Hope Diamond and six diamond bracelets, Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean (Father Struck It Rich) revived her celebrated Washington New Year’s Eve Party in honor of her son. John Randolph (“Jock”) McLean, who will be 21 next month. Son Jock, his guest Patricia Ziegfeld. the late Florenz Ziegfeld’s daughter, and 1.000 other merrymakers danced around to two bands in two ballrooms, drank 120 gal. of champagne. 55 gal. of Scotch whiskey, 12 gal.

of cocktails. 3 gal. of miscellaneous liquors. 40 gal. of beer. Cost: $50,000. Feted in Evanston. Ill., on the 50th anniversary of her Schmidt Costume Co. was Mrs. Minna Moscherosch Schmidt,

70, Bavarian-born fancy-dress designer who at the age of five made her first costumes for the fairy story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, now rents out 50.000 costumes. In Northwestern University’s Thome Hall. Costumologist Schmidt was introduced by President Walter Dill Scott, after her speech was presented a velvet cushion topped by a large gilt and tinsel crown.

On a San Diego. Calif, doorstep a vigilant bodyguard spied a beer bottle filled with black powder, instantly snatched out the bomb’s fuse in time to save the house of General Plutarco Elias Calles, exiled onetime Mexican President, who was playing cards inside.

Grinding the camera mounted in his airplane, bespectacled Explorer Andre Roosevelt, distant cousin of the U. S. President, zoomed the cone of Ecuador’s extinct, hitherto unphotographed 20,700-ft. volcano Chimborazo.

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