• U.S.

People, Jul. 13, 1936

3 minute read

“Names make news.” Last week these names made this news:

Closing her hit play, Victoria Regina, in Manhattan, Actress Helen Hayes journeyed to Chicago with her husband, Playwright Charles MacArthur (Front Page), to defend an alienation-of-affections suit brought by his first wife. In 1920 MacArthur, then a flighty Chicago newshawk, married a fellow-reporter named Carol Frink. She divorced him in 1926. In 1928 he married Actress Hayes. Iri 1932 two cinema magazines published confessional interviews with Cinemactress Hayes clearly intimating that MacArthur had ditched Miss Frink for her. Miss Frink then sued her for $100,000.

On the stand last week Plaintiff Frink, now a crack cinema critic, convulsed her court audience with an account of her life with MacArthur. Their romance began at the water-cooler in the city room of the Chicago Herald & Examiner. He proposed to her in the Old Mill at Coney Island. To save money they were married by his preacher-father. They traveled to Hollywood in one upper berth. There he lolled all day on a beach “getting healthy,” lived on her salary. Finally he hit her.

Taking the stand, Actress Hayes testified that the cinema interviews were in accurate, that she had never made such quoted remarks as “MacArthur has a fawn-like face, maddeningly beautiful.” After three days, Miss Frink suddenly called off the suit, paid court charges. Said her attorney: “She didn’t want a cent. She just wanted a chance to tell her story.”

Baroness Kunegunde von Richthofen, spry, greying mother of the late Baron Manfred von Richthofen, Germany’s No. 1 War Ace (80 victories), arrived at Montreal on her first visit to Canada. A Canadian war pilot, Captain Roy Brown, now head of Canada’s General Airways, was officially credited with shooting down Ace von Richthofen. Last week Baroness von Richthofen asserted that her son had been downed by Australian artillery fire as he flew low in a dogfight with Captain Brown.

A swank London audience assembled to hear Salvador Dali, Spanish surrealist painter, lecture on art. was amazed when he stumped down the aisle to the dais in a deep-sea diving suit. Beginning his talk through a microphone inside the helmet, Painter Dali, whose eccentric canvases created a furor in Manhattan nearly two years ago (TIME, Nov. 26, 1934), presently was overcome by heat, forced to remove his helmet. Keeping the rest of the costume on until his speech was over, he explained to newshawks: “I just wanted to show that I was plunging down deeply into the human mind.”

Having invented a character named Bernard B. Brindlebug to use in a comedy. Cinemactor Groucho Marx was appalled when a real person named Bernard B. Brindlebug turned up in Hollywood, threatened suit.

Henry Ford bought the little frame building in Dayton, Ohio in which Wilbur and Orville Wright built the world’s first successful airplane 33 years ago. Moved piecemeal to Dearborn, Mich., it will be reassembled exactly as it was in 1903 when it housed Wright Cycle Co.

Calling the world “sick,” whiskery. 78-year-old Professor Franz Boas, topflight anthropologist, retired from active service at Columbia University after 40 years of teaching (TIME. May 11). Said Anthropologist Boas: “I will go on working. I will stay at Columbia and carry on my research, particularly on race Questions. . . . With the present condition of the world I consider the race question a most important one . . . for this country, too, as here also people are going crazv.”

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