• U.S.


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The International Economic Conference sponsored by the League of Nations at Geneva (TIME, May 16) moved rapidly last week toward completing the reports of its three committees (Industry, Commerce, Agriculture), and prepared for a final plenary session at which the reports will be presented, read.

Most notable last week was a persistent struggle by the Soviet Russian delegation to get into the preamble to the reports a statement that there are two economic systems: Capitalism and Communism.

Most delegates of other nations shied at this admission, believing that the Russians would use it in some way as propaganda. Chairman Henry Mauris Robinson of the U. S. Delegation took the position, however, that it would be ridiculous to refuse the Russians insertion of a simple statement of facts plain to anyone—namely that there are two main economic systems: Capitalism and Communism.

After several days of heated wrangling this view prevailed, and the Russian press immediately burst forth into stories of the “diplomatic victory” of its delegation, aided by that of the U. S.

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