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Religion: Kosher Earth Catalog

3 minute read

The Jewish Publication Society of America generally limits itself to unleavened texts that sell a few thousand copies each, but three years ago it brought forth a cheerful magazine-sized volume called The Jewish Catalog. Modeled after the countercultural Whole Earth Catalog, with a breezy text embellished by sprightly cartoons, the work was a do-it-yourself primer on Jewish customs and religious practices. It also turned into a runaway bestseller, currently in its tenth printing, with nearly 200,000 copies sold at $5.50. Inevitably, readers poured in new ideas. Inevitably, there had to be a sequel.

The Second Jewish Catalog, with an appendix called The Jewish Yellow Pages, is crammed with practical advice on such matters as weaving Passover tablecloths, organizing a bar mitzvah (with hints for writing your own ceremony) and proper behavior in a synagogue (sit up front for serious prayer, toward the rear for socializing). There are chapters on Jewish folk dancing and starting a Judaica stamp collection and a brief course of instruction on liturgical chanting. The yellow-page directory lists kosher candy stores, Yiddish record shops and Jewish genealogical-research services. Do you want to crochet a woolen serving basket for matzo crackers? The Catalog tells how.

Despite its generally light touch, the new Catalog broaches some fairly sober issues. A thoughtful chapter on how the deaf can build a rewarding religious life outlines a sign-language worship service. Another section, on blindness, includes a Hebrew alphabet in braille. Other entries grapple with the ethical problems of premarital sex, contraception and abortion, trying to adapt the stern proscriptions of the Torah to more modern attitudes. Jewish divorce laws, for example, are weighted heavily in favor of the husband, making it difficult for the wife to start proceedings. The Catalog suggests ways to balance the inequality. “The important thing isn’t whether or not you observe any particular laws or rituals, but your whole attitude toward Judaism: confronting it and taking it seriously,” insists Co-Author Michael Strassfeld, 26, son of a Boston Conservative rabbi. Reviving Faith. The Catalog is in fact an expression of a reviving faith among Jewish young people, many of whom are gathering together in new communal groups they call havurot, from the Hebrew word for fellowship. Each such group—there are now hundreds all over the U.S.—is a close-knit community that meets for prayer sessions, meals, classes and discussions on Judaism. While havurah members do not necessarily live together or pool their finances, they share an intense commitment to making religion part of everyday living. Ex-Teacher Strassfeld and his wife and co-author Sharon were members of the first havurah, in Somerville, Mass., where with a fellow member, Richard Siegel, they began compiling the first Catalog. “Jews have always borrowed from the culture of any land they happened to be in, and Judaized what they took,” says Strassfeld. “Our books fit into this tradition. We’re creating a new American Judaism.” Meanwhile, if you yearn to take part in Israeli folk dancing, the Strassfelds list 15 addresses in California alone.

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