Move Over, Christina Aguilera

From TIME Digital: There's a new genie in town

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The Time Digital award for silliest game peripheral has to go to the one that comes with Mattel Interactive's Barbie Magic Genie Bottle game ($40), a plastic bottle that plugs into your game port. Remove the lid and you will find a gooey, sugary treat. Well, not literally: Open the lid while playing the game and Barbie Genie will appear on your screen and compliment you a lot. If this eye candy were the real thing it could be a threat to diabetics.

Move around through a 3-D environment of castles and forests where hummingbirds and fairies flit about overhead; click on one and it might change color. Everyone in the game is friendly and complimentary. You are informed that you are very smart and very sweet. You wander around and pick up stuff and solve easy puzzles. While I can't predict the response of a little girl, as a grown man I have to say that this game is painfully, horribly tedious. This has got to be one of the most stilted games I have ever seen.