Heard Any Good Books Lately?

From TIME Digital: If you like books on tape, you'll love Audible.com

  • I've never bought a book on tape before, but I think if I was an audio book fan, a visit to Audible.com would be like dying and going to biblio-tape-phile heaven. The site offers books, radio shows, lectures, speeches and comedy sketches for your aural enjoyment in four digital formats compatible with RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, the Rio 500 and Pocket PCs. A CD-to-tape converter kit hooked up through the headphone jack enables you to listen to Audible files in the car.

    In addition to books, Audible started offering my favorite NPR program, WBEZ-Chicago's "This American Life" last month. I moved recently and have found it hard to catch the show when it airs in my new town, New York City. I know that I can get each week's program for free anytime on This Life's website, but I wanted to have the freedom to listen to it away from my computer.

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