To Run or Not to Run: That's Rudy's Question

Are cancer and an embarrassing home life enough reason for New York's mayor to let Hillary Clinton run without him? Only he knows...

  • At some stage Rudy Giuliani is going to have to make up his mind. For the moment, though, he's taking the Hamlet approach — "I haven't made up my mind whether I have the energy and the capacity to run" — and seemingly getting his mind in gear for some decision-making. Hizzoner met with two doctors Thursday about his prostate cancer. He's denied all over again any non-professional relationship with former aide Christyne Lategano. He's even admitted that his woes have moved him to tears — privately, of course — and he's gone into full reporter-scolding mode as the questions about his crumbling private life get uglier and uglier. But what about the Senate?

    Giuliani will likely take the weekend to think about it and another few days to tell the world, and with the state GOP convention on May 30, he doesn't have any longer than that. State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno says Rudy is definitely in. But mayoral sources tell CNN that two new hires to the Senate campaign team have been told not to quit their day jobs. So the search is on for someone to throw at Hillary Clinton, who isn't saying anything lest the media storm cloud over Rudy move her way. The choices:

    If it sounds like none of these guys is much of a match, name-wise or money-wise, for Hillary With a Big Head Start, then you know how the Republican kingmakers feel. None of them are suggesting the nomination isn't still Rudy's to take, if he wants it, but not many of them are still counting on his having the stomach to get into what would be some Very Heavy Politics at this stage of his life.

    He may, he may not. TIME senior political writer Eric Pooley says that unlike a lot of political calculations, this choice will be made in real time by a man whose decisions often seem to hit him like lightning — flashes of inspiration to be passed on to the New York press as quickly and loudly as possible. "The only person who knows for sure whether Rudy Giuliani will run is Rudy Giuliani," he says. "There's an overwhelming feeling that he won't. But with this guy, you never know."