Welcome to Court TV — Without the Commercials

A court becomes the first to broadcast its own trials on the Web.

  • Court TV just got a new competitor, and one with pretty good access: The Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida. Today the court becomes the first government entity to broadcast trial proceedings over the Internet (Court TV, as well as broadcasting over cable, has a web site that follows ongoing trials). The straight-from-Springer case of Shirley Egan, accused of shooting daughter Georgette Smith in the neck after overhearing Smith and her boyfriend plotting to put her in a nursing home, went online at 9:30 a.m. ET from Orlando's well-wired Courtroom 23. The court breathlessly bills the fiber-optic-filled venue as one of the world's most high-tech courtrooms. Court TV is also covering the trial.

    The good news for those of you who can't wait to spend your days glued to your office computer watching real-time courtroom drama is that the court has installed a web server and plans to make regular webcasts. The bad news: As with much of the web-video world, the system works only for users with Windows PCs.