Another Clinton Crony Cops a Plea Bargain

Fundraiser John Huang was a little shady -- but that's all, say feds.

  • On the day the Cox report hit the ground, the Justice Department found one Asian-American who wasn't a spy. The Associated Press reports that Democratic fundraiser John Huang is cutting a slap-on-the-wrist deal with the feds in exchange for cooperation on its '96 fundraising investigation -- just like Charlie Trie and Johnny Chung did before him -- but Huang got a little more: a public acknowledgment by Justice that there is no evidence Huang engaged in espionage or any violations of national security laws. The government has written a letter in support of the restoration of Huang's voting rights.

    "It seems that some of Clinton's critics, who had always imagined Huang to be at the center of various, nefarious Asian conspiracies, were wrong," says TIME Washington correspondent Viveca Novak. "He's just another shady fundraiser." That doesn't mean Huang isn't worth anything as a potential rat. "He still knows the players and the processes at the Democratic National Committee," says Novak. "But that looks to be about it." Coming on the same day that Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr announced that he won't be re-trying Susan McDougal and Julie Hiatt Steele for obstruction of justice, the news is likely to make Bill Clinton breathe a little more easily during the last 20 months of his presidency.