Monday Debut of Palm VII Heralds Era of Wireless Internet

From TIME Digital: Get ready to be online all over

  • The Palm VII is set to be unveiled Monday for trials in select East Coast markets. Word of the debut already has the Palm faithful sweaty with anticipation, but the new PDA also looks to be the first device to mainstream wireless access to the Internet. That's a big leap from carrying around an expensive, electronic replacement for a datebook. Calling all e-mail addicts.

    Although Palm hasn't confirmed any pricing, indications are that the retail price will probably start about $200 under the $799 that Palm indicated last December when the Palm VII was first announced. That represents a hefty premium over the current list for the best-selling Palm V and III, and an emphasis on battery life also means even the latest Palm has no color. Basic wireless service, provided through Bell South's nationwide network, may start around $10 a month but limits users to only 50K of transferred data. Additional transfers will run 30 cents per K, suggesting that spam victims will have to pay a dollar for each accidentally downloaded stock scam or porn promo. MORE >>