Look! Even More Bill Gates Video

Redmond loses an excuse as a court releases all 20 hours of the Microsoft CEO's videotaped testimony

  • Microsoft's nightmare promo -- "Up next on Fox: When CEOs Depose!" -- came a little closer to reality Friday when a federal appeals court ruled that the complete Bill Gates testimony, all 20 hours of it, can be released to the public. Some eight hours have been played in court already, and Gates's shockingly unhelpful performance hasn't done Microsoft any favors. Now we'll see the rest, and Redmond isn't pleased. The reason: it could undercut the Microsoft argument that the government has been taking Gates' testimony out of context.

    Of course, we've seen most of this before -- the rocking back and forth, the quibbling over the meaning of e-mail, the bold assertions that the company's own genius CEO doesn't know how much market share his flagship product commands. And now that we've seen the good parts, will anybody care about the rest? Maybe the flacks should rest easy. Forget Fox. C-SPAN 2 is more like it.