Keeping Quiet on Clinton Probe

Now that the vote's over, Republicans are putting the impeachment process behind closed doors.

  • WASHINGTON: The Clinton impeachment process is going underground for a little while. Judiciary chair Henry Hyde and chief Republican investigator David Schippers plan to keep their post-vote deliberations under lock and key -- or at least low-key -- until hearings formally begin after the November 3 elections. It's a strategy that speaks volumes; not only is Hyde hoping to keep the messy subject out of sight for the sake of fast-fading bipartisanship -- not to mention the oft-cited Rodino format -- but the GOP is also recognizing that the defection of a mere 31 Democrats Thursday was not exactly the heartiest support they could have wished for. Republicans, too, are uneasy about the Pandora's box they just opened: "It feels like it's out of control," said Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.). All in all, a good time to take a break. <

    There'll be no recess for the embattled President, however. Another massive data dump is coming Clinton's way on the Internet, this time from Arkansas judge Susan Webber Wright, who announced that dozens of previously sealed documents in the Paula Jones case will arrive at a computer screen near you on October 19. On top of that, Monica Lewinsky is simply swimming in big money offers to tell her story on TV -- the latest from Fox supremo Rupert Murdoch, who reportedly put a cool $3 million on the table in return for a full hour of Monica. With cable and computer screens out of bounds, Clinton's only choice for R&R; will be to dive into a good book. May we suggest the Starr report?