Starr: Just the Fingerprints, Ma'am

Prosecutor piles pressure on the former White House intern

  • Special Report WASHINGTON: Ken Starr is asking Monica Lewinsky for more than name, rank and serial number. Now it's handwriting, voice samples and fingerprints. The court-ordered specimens, which will be taken in the next few days at a California courthouse, are part of the independent counsel's bid to assemble the facts in the alleged presidential sex-and-cover-up case without the messy business of actually asking Lewinsky to testify. Starr gave up on immunity negotiations with her lawyer, William Ginsburg, some time ago. Which is a little ironic, according to Lewinsky family spokeswoman Judy Smith, since Monica "is very anxious to tell her side of the story." Still, talking wouldn't be as much fun as taking fingerprints, would it?