An American Revolutionary

A note about TIME's selection of the 2004 Person of the Year

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    Romesh Ratnesar profiles Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi, the shadowy leader of the Iraqi insurgency, while Richard Lacayo delves into the similarities between Mel Gibson and Michael Moore, who created two of the most successful--and controversial--films of the year. Lev Grossman explores the blogosphere, the universe of weblogs that played such a major role this political season.

    There is lots more in this double issue, including our annual portfolio of People Who Mattered, which includes exclusive pictures of Nancy Reagan and her son; John Kerry; the leaders of the 9/11 commission; Ukraine's Viktor Yushchenko; and a certain horse that won the hearts of so many this year (but not, alas, every race he ran in). Giving it your best, lose or win, is sometimes its own reward.

    James Kelly, Managing Editor

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