• U.S.

For The Record Oct. 8, 2001

1 minute read
Harriet Barovick, Ellin Martens, Julie Rawe, Sora Song, Heather Won Tesoriero and Rebecca Winters

4,620 and 5,960 Two estimates of the number of missing in the World Trade Center rubble. The first comes from a database set up by families; the second from the police; 306 bodies have been recovered so far, including one on Thursday, above, around which rescuers gathered for last rites

234 Guns, inert grenades and bombs slipped past guards or X-ray machines by FAA agents at Logan airport from 1991 to 2000

1 Logan’s rank for number of such weapons smuggled through security

2.5 MILLION Truckers licensed to carry hazardous materials

841 MILLION Tons of hazardous materials hauled by truck last year

50,000 Militants trained in terrorist camps in Afghanistan in recent years, according to the CIA

10,000 Afghans waiting at a single border crossing with Pakistan

2 Pregnant women allowed to cross to Pakistan to give birth and then return

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