Outrageous Fortune

The slings and arrows of sex and politics have not dented Clinton's high ratings. Is it a new kind of Teflon, or do foes just lack the right weapon?

Courting Controversy

A new book by an insider claims law clerks have inordinate influence over the Supreme Court


Africa Rising

A new spirit of self-reliance is taking root among many Africans as they seize control of their destiny. What are they doing right?


The Winter Of Giant Waves

Surfers in search of the perfect ride are enjoying the thrills of a lifetime thanks to El Nino and help from the 900-976-SURF hot line


The Sins Of The Pastor

His church may be willing to forgive, but the law demands Henry Lyons answer several stunning criminal charges

A Repentance, Sort Of

The Vatican issues a historic statement on the Holocaust but falls short of some Jewish hopes


The Teamsters (Notebook / The Scoop)

Memo Shows Carey Knew About Violations

Into The Woods (Notebook / The Scoop)

Forest Chief Expects a Grilling, Not a Picnic

State Department (Notebook / The Scoop)

Was It a Security Breach Or a Chevy Chase Movie?


The Titanic Riddle (Essay)

Should a good feminist accept priority seating on a lifeboat?


Can Nike Get Unstuck?

Once a brash, hard-running firm with soaring numbers, Nike lurched to a stop this year. A new product line and a new attitude are the keys to hitting its stride again

Bafflingly Simple (Quarterly Business Report)

The good news is that your 1997 return is easy--compared to next year's. Stocks and housing are key

Changing Gears (Quarterly Business Report)

The 1998 tax code has oodles of new provisos that can benefit you--if you figure them out properly

Slipping A Punch (Quarterly Business Report)

Asia's meltdown poses a threat, says TIME's panel, but the U.S. economy is still going strong


Television: Talking Trash (The Arts / Television)

Jerry Springer is the first talk-show host to take Oprah's No. 1 spot. She's not the only loser