Cinema: Tom Terrific

In his fiery new film, Hollywood's top gun aims for best-actor status

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They do well separately and do good together. Cruise and Rogers serve on the board of the Earth Communications Office, an entertainment-industr y organization that promotes environmental causes. The two visited a Brazilian rain forest this year. At home they limit the water pressure in their sinks and toilets. On a cable-TV cartoon series, Captain Planet, Cruise lends his voice to ecologically sound Captain Planet. Says Bonnie Reiss of ECO: "Isn't this guy too good to be true? He loves animals, children, people. And he's gorgeous, O.K.? I mean, please."

Rogers has been with Cruise in Charlotte on the speedway set of Days of Thunder. She is there as Tom Terrific, his solid frame wrapped in a white racing suit with black and red stripes, steps into the chartreuse-and-yellow Lumina. He carries his celebrity gracefully, as if he knows he'll have it for a long time. "I'm just happier now than I've ever been in my life," he says softly. On the fast track of responsible stardom, he just keeps cruising along.

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