REPUBLICANS: Votes Aug. 13, 1928

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Additions to Hooverism included:

Dr. Edgar Young Mullins, Kentucky Democrat, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Reason: Prohibition.

William Hale ("Big Bill") Thompson, Wet Republican Mayor of Chicago. Reason: "Harmony."

William R. Pattangall, Maine Democrat, since 1916 a justice of Maine's Supreme Court.* Reason: "The Democratic party . . . has for the time being passed into hands not properly qualified to administer."

Dr. Daniel A. Poling, president of the Christian Endeavor. Reason: "Righteousness and sobriety."

The Eastern Conference of Fundamental Undenominational Churches. Reason: Prohibition.

The Young People's Conference of the Presbyterian Church. Reasons: "A Christian gentleman . . . sterling character . . . dignified . . . high ideals . . . Protestant faith . . . Prohibition."

* Mr. Pattangall's wife, a onetime Democratic National Committeewoman, "bolted" last fortnight (TIME, Aug. 6).