Modern Living: The Trekkie Fad...

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The Star Trek phenomenon, appealing primarily to fans of high school and college age, has been praised by critics for its scientific realism and an optimistic view of a cosmos in which all nations are united in keeping peace—despite villainous Klingons and Romulans. Jesco Von Puttkamer, a NASA scientist who gave two S.R.O. lectures at the convention, said that the show "reflects a positivistic attitude. It's a mirror to our present world with some adventure thrown in." Another academician who gives the show high marks is Astronomy Professor Leo Standeford, who has conducted a one-credit course in Star Trek at Minnesota's Mankato State University. His esteem is shared by the Smithsonian Institution, which has acquired a model of the Enterprise. Paramount is now planning to make a Star Trek movie. Glubegk enkov (Live long and prosper), as Vulcanites would say. Spock it to 'em!

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