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Because of the decathlon's schedule, the duel may well provide one of the Olympics' most electric moments. Avilov could have a substantial lead (150 to 200 points) after the first day's five events, but then Jenner should come on strong. "I'll be behind for nine events—it will be that close," says Jenner. The last event, the 1,500, is a Jenner specialty. The question: Under the lights as the evening wears on, and after two grueling days of tension, can Jenner win his race by a big enough margin to win the gold as well?

Also decided by that time may be the second question: Who is the handsomer decathlon star? This too will be a close contest. "Have you ever seen a picture of Adam and Eve?" asks Avilov's wife Valentina, a former Olympic high jumper. "Well, Nikolai is Adam."

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