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Sir: An excellent description of Spain's economic boom, but certainly a very poor description of the status of individual freedom there. Contrary to what you write, police still torture political suspects. Also, there is no freedom of speech any more than there is right to tax evasion in the U.S. We all take joy in what is good about Spain: its economic progress. However, it makes painful reading for democrats all over the world the way your editorial seems to absolve Franco and his associates of the responsibility toward humanity for crimes committed during and after the Civil War.
Caracas, Venezuela
Sir: As an American businessman in Spain, 1 can say from experience that you will receive a flood of mail from so-called Spanish liberals living in exile. They will say that what you say isn't so, and cry the usual charges of censorship, oppression, etc. I believe that if these liberals returned to their country, they would find your article accurate and their resentment and prejudices very wrong.
Sir: You describe Opus Dei Member Rafael Calvo Serer as a liberal monarchist who is a prominent opponent of the Franco regime. Calvo Serer's principal quarrel with Franco is over the timetable for restoration of the monarchy. As for his alleged liberality, in his published writings Calvo Serer has called for a monarchy in which both the Cortes (parliament) and the Council of Realm would be only advisory and could, along with the President, be overruled by the King if he so desired. He opposes universal suffrage, would outlaw political parties. Only by ultraconservative criteria can such a concept of monarchy possibly be construed as liberal. One would like to think that TIME has other criteria.
Managing Editor
The Christian Century
— Monarchist Calvo Serer has changed. In a treatise to be published soon, he calls for an adapted form of the British constitutional monarchy, complete with three major parties (Conservative, Christian Democrat and Socialist), representative Cortes—and universal suffrage.
Friedman & Keynes
Sir: You quote me [Dec. 31] as saying: "We are all Keynesians now." The quotation is correct, but taken out of context. As best I can recall it, the context was: "In one sense, we are all Keynesians now; in another, nobody is any longer a Keynesian." The second half is at least as important as the first.
The University of Chicago
The Art of Listening
Sir: At last someone has written, amusingly and accurately, about the appalling audiences of today [Jan. 21]. This article should be pinned on every seat in every concert hall in every country.
Blackheath, England