A medium-sized vermiform appendix (they vary from less than one inch to more than seven inches in length) was successfully removed in Edinburgh, Scotland, last week from Miss Joan Margaret MacDonald (second daughter). She, aged 22 and a fourth-year student of surgery at the University of Edinburgh, became engaged last month to a graduate medical student, Alastair MacKinnon, 23 (TIME, Sept. 22).
Alister is the name of Scot MacDonald's elder son, 31, an architect (TIME, Jan. 16). The Prime Minister's third daughter is Sheila, 18, now a student at Oxford, a potent hockey player, addicted to tramping in bloomers.
Eldest of the three MacDonald daughters is of course, Ishbel, 27, Official Hostess. Younger son Malcolm, 29, is a Labor M. P.