World: Middle East: In Cold Blood

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Wise Exodus. Israeli officials are not likely to allow the attackers to go unpunished. In an official expression of shock and sympathy, Premier Golda Meir described the ambush as "an act done in cold blood." Deputy Premier Yigal Allon, attending funeral services for the victims, warned the Arab commandos pointedly: "The arm of Israel's army is very long and its blows are heavy, and those responsible for this crime will pay for it." Shortly after the bus attack, Israeli artillery on the border began to shell the Lebanese villages of Bint Jbeil, Yaroun, Aitaroun and Blida across the frontier from the site of the attack. Lebanon reported 13 civilians killed in the barrage, 32 wounded and 83 houses hit. Crowds of Lebanese took to the roads, joining refugees still homeless after the Israeli reprisal raid of two weeks ago. Their exodus may prove a wise move, for Israel's anguished reaction makes it virtually certain that still stronger blows will be forthcoming in the days ahead.

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