Cinema: Femmes Fatales

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That night two spies creep up to No. 6 and wait to see if Sophie shows. She shows, walks casually through the lobby, starts up the stairs. The spies come creeping after. On the top floor Sophie knocks at a door. It opens. "Ah, mon amour!" she cries in a carrying voice, leaps into her best girl friend's bedroom and slams the door. The spies creep up and listen.

"Ah, mon amour!" croaks Sophie's friend, doing her best to talk like a man.

"Eeeeee!" squeals Sophie. "You're tearing my dress!"

Then both girls jump up and down on the bed until the spies, overwhelmed with evidence, stare at each other in horror and delight and creep away home to dream.

And what happens then? Something silly and touching. Something that ends the story—which was written by Roger Vadim and directed by Marc Allegret—almost as amusingly as it begins. A pity that the three other Tales in this amorous anthology are nothing like as good.

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