Protestants: Crusader in the Coliseum

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Back 50 Years? Graham's new crusade was warmly welcomed by most of the city's clergymen. "The effect on Los Angeles," said the Rev. Harold L. Fickett Jr. of the First Baptist Church in suburban Van Nuys, "will be so profound that only an eternity can measure it." But some questioned the crusade's value. Said the Rev. W. B. Key of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church: "I believe he's putting the church back 50 years."

Graham is brimful of plans for new crusades. He has vowed to devote his attention to the U.S. at least until 1966, has already made arrangements for crusades in Ohio, Nebraska and Texas next year. Much of his evangelizing between the formal crusades will be done on university campuses, including Harvard, M.I.T. and Michigan, in a special drive to appeal to youth. By the end of this year, Graham associates estimate, he will have spoken to 1,350,000 people, not counting the millions who will see films of the Los Angeles crusade on 200 TV stations.

*A bit older than that: he is now 36.

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