GERMANY: Adolf Hitler's Last Hours

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Said Herrgesell: "Guensche was a giant of a man and very violent. He would be capable of doing it if he were asked to, or if he thought the time had come to shoot the F&252hrer and then himself. But I don't believe it happened that way. I honestly believe that Hitler sought his death. He was convinced that all was irretrievably lost, that he could trust nobody any more and that he must die.

"During all this time, artillery fire on the Chancellery was increasing and even deep down in the cellar we could feel concussions shaking the building. The conference finally broke up in indecision. I was ordered to leave Berlin with my stenographic reports but my partner was to remain. He pointed out that in that case the reports were valueless, because if he stayed no one would be able to transcribe his records, and without his, mine would be incomplete. Bormann then ordered us both to leave that evening by plane.

"That was the last plane and we were the last people to leave Berlin."

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