People: People, Dec. 27, 1943

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Aimee Semple McPherson, so-odd and haggard from a five-month bout with tropical fever (caught in Mexico), held a press conference in Los Angeles to wet down rumors that she was through with evangelizing. Cradling the usual bouquet of roses while news photographers got out their flash bulbs, she observed: "They're much better than the old powder trays, aren't they?" That reminded a woman reporter of Aimee's tussle in 1926 with a grand jury probe into what she called her "kidnapping." Snapped the evangelist with a talented grin: "I only remember the hours when the sun shines, sister."


Robert Benchley, ranking wack for nearly 20 years, announced he was through with writing, explained: "I don't think I write funny any more." Busy as a cinema-radio comic, he added: "I've run out of ideas, and from now on I'm an actor. It's a lot easier and the pay is good."

Franklin Pierce ("F.P.A.") Adams, another of Journalism's gifts to radio, became the second famed versifier in a year to turn to Broadway musicomedy (first was One Touch of Venus's Ogden Nash). Coming: Dream With Music: lyrics by F.P.A.

Upton Sinclair reported to Pasadena police that while he was away from home intruders had: swum in his private swimming pool, used the kitchen as a bathhouse, smoked his cigarets, picnicked on his groceries, departed with seven brass keys to his bookcases, neglected to leave any ration stamps.

The Chosen

Franklin Roosevelt, who passed his New York State bar exams 36 years ago, was admitted to the company of London lawyers—made an Honorary Master of the Bench of Gray's Inn.

Gunder ("The Wonder") Hägg, Swedish track sensation, was chosen Athlete of the Year by Associated Press sportswriters. First foreigner ever picked, 24-year-old Hagg, faced with onrushing age, will soon open up a haberdashery in Malmo.

Joan Fontaine was selected by the Hollywood Women's Press Club as the Least Cooperative Actress of the Year. Runners-up were 1941 Winner Ginger Rogers and Greer Garson. The men's title went to Errol Flynn.

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