Democrats: The Distant Horizon

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Many Democrats have already written off Humphrey as a possible contender on two counts: both as a loser and be cause of age—he will be 61 in 1972. But Hubert, tanned, jovial and buoyant as ever, seems almost eager to face another presidential test. Last week his wife Muriel told an anecdote that does much to explain the insatiable fascination the presidency holds for men who have once made the race. At a recent White House reception for the Prime Minister of Iran, says Muriel, "Hubert held my hand as we came down the great stairs from the President's quarters to the foyer. The Marine Band was playing ruffles and flourishes, and all the people were gathered there waiting for the President and his party to enter, and everything looked so exciting and so beautiful. I turned to Hubert and said 'Damn,' and he looked at me and said 'Damn.' I can't say there wasn't a moment of regret."

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