ISRAEL: Massacre at Scorpion's Pass

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Cool-headed Men. Jordan countered with "security measures," Syria commandeered civilian buses for "emergency use." Cried Haboker, organ of the respectable General Zionists: "The massacre was an act of war, which can only be met by an act of war on our part."

Fortunately, there were a few cool-headed men on both sides. One was Pre mier Sharett, who, when he was Foreign Minister, attacked Ben-Gurion for condoning the Kibya massacre (TIME, Oct. 26). Another was Lieut. General John Bagot Glubb, British commander of Jordan's Arab Legion. Glubb offered two Bedouin trackers to assist the blood hounds, and Sharett accepted them. The joint posse worked together for two days until the murderers' spoor petered out in sun-baked rock two miles from Jordan.

At week's end, however, Sharett announced that Israel would put the case before the U.N. Promptly condemned before the world for the pitiless massacre at Kibya, the Jews believed they could prove their Arab enemies from across the Jordan border equally guilty of the equally pitiless massacre at Scorpion's Pass.

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