Breaking Point. In Wichita, Kans., Policeman Max Price, chasing a speeder, ignored it when his hat blew off, kept going when the muffler fell off, didn't pause when the siren went dead, finally quit when his motorcycle caught fire.
Anniversary. In Veracruz, Mexico, Manuel Rodriguez Lopez, who claims that he is 103, and Ursula Mendez, 82, parents of two daughters, 58 and 56, celebrated their 62nd year together by getting married.
Typo. In Philadelphia, when Inquirer Columnist Frank Brookhouser reported that Hubert B. Wolfeschlegelsteinhasenbergerdorff had registered to vote in the November elections, Hubert wrote in indignantly to say that a "u" had been left out: his name was Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff.
For Example. In Brownwood, Texas, Leslie F. Smith, advertising salesman for the Frazier Publishing Co.'s traffic safety manual, was arrested for making an illegal turn, driving without a license, driving on the wrong side of the road, driving while drunk.
Treasure Chest. In Yonkers, N.Y., when police asked him where he had hidden the jewelry he stole, Clayton Cuff, 20, was speechless, gasped for breath, coughed up a $425 diamond ring.
Piper Paid. In London. British Foreign Office Clerk Gordon D. Freestone admitted stealing about £718 ($2,010) from the consulate in Basra. Iraq, to spend on two dancing girls, but pleaded that his character had been excellent "except for those six mad weeks."
Appealing Reason. In Philadelphia, Philip Giglia, whose driver's license was suspended for speeding last March, won his appeal to have it restored when he told a judge: "I was rushing to put money in the bank to pay my income tax."
Road Repairs. In Niles, Calif., when Harry Short was arrested for burglarizing a tavern, he explained why he was carrying a twelve-inch claw bar, a ten-inch screwdriver, a hack saw and six blades, and a three-cornered file: he had a wooden leg and needed all those things to keep it in walking order.
One Track. In St. Louis, thieves broke into Salesman Leo Vopp's car and stole sample cases containing 150 shoes—all for left feet.
Line & Sinker. In Madison, Wis., when Herbert C. Fischer tried to outsmart a persistent burglar by rigging up a camera trap to catch him in the act, the burglar, on his next visit, ignored the bait ($2, a ring and a watch), made off with the $150 camera.