Miss Mac

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She drives to work in a Chevrolet which she expects "to have some intelligence itself." Midmorning, her executive, Mrs. Tova Petersen Wiley, and the rest of her staff gather in her office for coffee and a conference. That is where problems really get thrashed out, to be settled later more formally.

One of the current problems is the married WAVES. Many would like to rejoin soldier and sailor husbands who have come back from overseas. It is a problem which is giving Miss Mac much concern. As she once said, "Women can be efficient and professional and still be women."

She would also like to get back to the life she left. She remains steadfast to her duty in Washington, but she will get out "just as fast as the law and the Navy will allow." Actually, Miss Mac vows, she may wait only for the law. "I am still sure colleges are my role and nothing has made me more sure of it than life in the Navy." Miss Mac could only guess at the feelings of 82,000 other WAVES.

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