Science: World War III Preview?

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"No Nation Could Feel Safe. . . ." The greatest flaw in Professor Oberth's gyro-steered product is its inaccuracy. Inventor Hammond dismisses current buzz-bombing as a form of "making faces, beating drums and throwing stink bombs." But Hammond, himself the inventor of a radio-controlled glider bomb, predicts that with radio devices steering the projectile from several different points to correct each other's errors, the robot bomb will become "quite dangerous." Experiments have shown, says he, that it is very difficult to interfere with radio control of a projectile; radio interference may even attract the missile to the target.

A U.S. scientist in London, pronouncing the robot bomb "as revolutionary as the airplane," solemnly declared last week: "In the postwar world, development of rocket and jet propulsion must be placed in the hands of some international body to administer. No nation in Europe—perhaps none in the world—could feel safe with another nation developing such weapons."

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