The Press: Hearst Steps Nos. 2 & 3

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*Increasing Mr. Hearst's sadness during his New York stay was the death by heart failure of his good friend Joseph A. Moore, 58, until 1934 proprietor of the New York Morning Telegraph, former general manager of Hearst magazines and onetime president of the New York American, in the final conferences on which his understanding and advice were much solicited. Even more keen last week was Mr. Hearst's sense of loss when heart failure also took away Morrill Goddard, 70, the last great editor of his youth, whom he bought away from Joseph Pulitzer at the same time that he bought the late Arthur Brisbane, and who created and until his death presided over the most successfully Hearstian of all Hearst properties, the gaudy American Weekly. Same day that Goddard died, a third Hearst oldtimer's heart failed: Francis N. Bastible, 56, longtime police and political reporter on the Brooklyn beat for the late American.

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