Foreign News: Prince Edward

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* Edward VIII came to the Throne in January, and TIME then omitted all mention of Mrs. Simpson until June. Reason: His Majesty had every right to benefit from an assumption that, once on the Throne, he would rapidly begin to conduct his private life in private, as did his grandfather King Edward VII. Had he done so, it would in all probability still be private, and he still on the Throne. In May, His Majesty with his own hand broke open the story of the King's Mrs. Simpson by inserting her name in his public Court Circular (TIME, June 8). He introduced her to the present King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, as well as to Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Baldwin, other Cabinet members and their wives, next took her on a Balkan yachting tour (TIME, Aug. 17 et seq.). Repeatedly the King intervened with Balkan police to let photographers snap him in informal scenes with Mrs. Simpson. Although these pictures were not printed in the United Kingdom, U. S. editors felt specifically free to print them. They were, in September, sure evidence that the crisis, which did not come until December, must come.

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